
FamilyGo app offers users free functionality and some paid features available by subscription.

Free Features

The following functions can be used without a subscription - just install the application:

  • Unlimited number of groups
  • and members
  • Group chat
  • Members' locations

Paid Features

For everyone who cares about the safety of their family, children, elderly parents, loved ones and friends, the app offers a set of paid features available only by subscription:

  • Audio and video calls
  • Movement history
  • Geofencing
  • Building routes
  • SOS button
  • Monitor driving safety
  • Nanny mode

You may choose a convenient payment period: a month or a year. If you choose annual subscription, you save 17% of the budget in compare with the monthly payment.

A 7-day trial period is available to you after the subscription purchase. All app functions will be available in full.

During this period, you can cancel your subscription. After 7 days, the money will be charged from your account.

If for some reason you do not want to use the application at the end of the demo period, we will be grateful for any feedback you can provide that will help us improve the service.

How is the FamilyGo app different from other services?

  • The app does not require registration or sending any kind of personal data.
  • The app does not store data about user locations or movements. All of that information is encrypted and located only on the users’ devices. Data exchanges between users are encrypted and take place directly between members of the same group.
  • The server functions only to exchange keys between users in the same group.
  • We use the Signal Protocol.
  • No ads in the app.